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rockhestra education division

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Video production

Video as teaching aid.

Before now the technical ins and outs of Streaming Video have played such a significant role in using video as a delivery medium that they have tended to dominate all discussion of its use. It is only more recently, now that we are seeing Streaming Video become a realistically straightforward proposition, that pages like this are more commonly addressing useful questions such as the pedagogic value of the moving image, rather than which server to use and how to get your media player to work without crashing your computer!

That's not to say that pedagogy hasn't been discussed before. TV and video have been spoken about since the 50's as a revolutionary medium for education, with film preceding them by at least half a century. A great deal of research has been carried out into the value of replacing the teacher with the moving image. These days it's Streaming Video on the internet that's being toted as the revolutionary medium.

Taken from http://www.abdn.ac.uk/~clt011/video/

The article is about the usage of video in teaching and learning activity. The development of information technology brings positive effect in education field. Teacher nowadays can integrate the use of technology in their teaching. The conventional and traditional method of teaching can be enhance with the usage of modern technology such as LCD projection and smart board.

The border less world also gives advantage to the teaching field, teacher can share and search for various teaching materials. There are countless number of teaching activities on the net. Its up to the teacher to use which is suitable for their children.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Teaching and technology.

1. how technology is going to affect how your students are going to be learning
2. how you as a teacher will be learning.

Technology in teaching is not a new issues, back to the era of pentium 1 and 2,teaching involves technology. Technology is not only about internet and pc. Technology is advance or enhance system that simplify work. Technology makes life easier and simpler. Students now mostly have internet access at home and they easily surf and search for info that they want. Kids nowadays,they are more advance than kids 10 years back. Who among them never heard of Myspace, Friendster and youtube? how many of them have gadgets like handphone,mp3 player and ipod?

Sometimes students are more advance from teacher(old type that dont even know how to use MSoffice). Students expect more from teacher than what they could have or search.

Advantages of technology in teaching.

-develop students participation through interesting Pnp such as video clip,animation,sound and games
-enhance students level of thinking as technology brings students imagination to the maximum.
-prepared students for the next technology,as new technology being created each second.
-easier for teacher to deliver the lesson,through excellent teaching aids and materials.
-students able to understand deeply as technology provide concrete visualization of topics learn(science subject)

As a teacher,

- prepare myself towards the current and future technology.
-IT and computer skills should be in our hands.
-learn through research and practical.
-realize the important of tech in teaching, teacher are no more good/loyal mahjung paper and transparency buyer.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Rockheducation presents....


Objective of the video clip: To provide knowledge and understanding of pupils about the properties of materials.

The selected audience: Primary School Year 4 Pupils(Science subject)

Title of the film: Mat-Matter-Materials

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

PKEY3101 2008 Technology in Primary Education

technology in primary education.
technology? advance,easier,helpful,enhance,interesting,developing...
to be used in primary education? enable students to explore things other than books and white board. can be the best teaching aids or teaching and learning activity.
-lcd projector
-slide projector

information technology?

information technology and me..